Visual Exercise 1

Task 1 For this task, I used a high aperture of f/22 to create a large depth of field where both the foreground and background appear in focus. I used a focal length of 18mm (18-200mm lens) with a shutter speed of 1/20th of a second. The relatively slow shutter speed captured the blurred movement of a passing car. Task 2 For this image, I used an aperture … Continue reading Visual Exercise 1

Visual Exercise 1 – Research

For Visual Exercise 1, I have been asked to produce five images which make creative use of lens aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings. Depth of Field A shallow depth of field is created by using a low aperture, such as f/2, where only some of the image appears in focus. Inversely, a higher aperture such as f/22 will produce a result where more of … Continue reading Visual Exercise 1 – Research