Final Project -Completed Project

For this Final Project, I have been asked to reproduce a minimum of five images from a minimum of three different photographers, paying particular attention to the lighting, lenses and composition used to create the original images. I have re-interpreted six images from three different photographers. Image 1 – ‘Sara’ by Alec Soth, 2009 Original image: My re-interpretation: Unedited re-interpretation: Nikon D7200 – 50mm prime … Continue reading Final Project -Completed Project

Final Project – Further Research

For the Final Project, I have reproduced six photographs by three different photographers. Further to my last blog entry, I decided against shooting The Fork and Bresson’s portrait of Albert Camus. I have added an additional shot from Richard Avedon’s In the American West, an amended seascape by Hiroshi Sugimoto and another image taken by Alec Soth, of Stacey. Richard Avedon’s Clifford Feldner, unemployed ranch hand, Golden, … Continue reading Final Project – Further Research

Final Project – Image Research

For this final project, I am being asked to identify a minimum of five photographs that I am inspired by and reinterpret them emulating the style and composition. These images must be from a minimum of three different photographers. In this blog post, I will identify the images that I hope to recreate. Image 1 – ‘Sara’ by Alec Soth, 2009 I have found myself … Continue reading Final Project – Image Research