Final Project -Completed Project

For this Final Project, I have been asked to reproduce a minimum of five images from a minimum of three different photographers, paying particular attention to the lighting, lenses and composition used to create the original images. I have re-interpreted six images from three different photographers.

Image 1 – ‘Sara’ by Alec Soth, 2009

Original image:


My re-interpretation:


Unedited re-interpretation:


Nikon D7200 – 50mm prime lens – 1/50 second @ f/4.5 – ISO 800

This shot was recreated in my home. In the original image, it would appear that the subject is near to a window and lit by natural daylight. The window in my room at home has a window to the other side of the room and it doesn’t let in much daylight, particularly at this time of year. I compensated by using an LED ring flash set to continuous light held in a pint glass on top of an upturned bin, on top of a chest of drawers. I believe that I would have more accurately replicated the shadow from the subjects head if I had been able to get the light up higher, however I am pleased with the overall result.

In Lightroom, I corrected the exposure and cropped to reflect the original composition. I adjusted the colour temperature, saturation and added a graduated filter to darken the left side of the image.

Image 2 – ‘Bill Curry’ by Richard Avedon, 1980

Original image:


My re-interpretation:


My unedited re-interpretation:


Nikon D7200 – 50mm prime lens – 1/40 second @ f/5.6 – ISO 200

I took this shot in the Daylight Studio using a combination of natural sunlight and supplementary LED panels. I set up a white paper background, as Richard Avedon had done in the original image. In preparation for the shoot I acquired a white t-shirt and dirtied it with black boot polish.

In Lightroom, I removed the colour saturation and adjusted the exposure levels. I increased the contrast and sharpened.

Image 3 – ‘Sandra Bennett’ by Richard Avedon, 1980

Original Image:


My Re-interpretation:


My unedited re-interpretation:


Nikon D7200 – 50mm prime lens – 1/40 second @ f/5.6 – ISO 200

As with the previous shot, I recreated this in the Daylight Studio using natural light and LED panels with a white paper backdrop. I bought dungarees online and asked the model to style her hair like the subject in the original image.

In Lightroom, I adjusted the exposure, increased the contrast and converted to black and white.

Image 4 – ‘Clifford Feldner’ by Richard Avedon, 1983

Original Image:


My reinterpretation:


My unedited re-interpretation:


Nikon D7200 – 50mm prime lens – 1/40 second @ f/5.6 – ISO 200

This shot had a similar set up to the two previous images. I bought a jacket and used make-up to imitate the mole on the original subjects forehead.

In Lightroom, I converted to black and white by removing the saturation. I increased the contrast and cropped to reflect the original composition.

Image 5 – ‘Stacey’ by Alec Soth, 2004

Original image:


My re-interpretation:


My unedited re-interpretation:


Nikon D7200 – 60mm (18-200mm lens) – 1/30 second @ f/14 – ISO 400

I recreated this shot at Scone Palace near Perth. The weather conditions were perfect so we climbed over the fence and into the field with the sheep. Unfortunately the sheep ran away however they are still barely visible in the image. I managed to get the visible horizon at my model’s neckline similar to the original image, I just wish the sheep hadn’t run away into the mist.

In Lightroom, I cropped the image to mirror the original composition. I increased the contrast and sharpened to counter the obscuring effect of the mist. I altered the colour temperature and saturation and used a graduated filter to brighten the top third of the image.

Image 6 – Unknown seascape by Hiroshi Sugimoto

Original image:


My re-interpreted image:


My unedited re-interpreted image:


Nikon D7200 – 80mm (18-200mm lens) – 1/320 second @ f/5 – ISO 200

This tribute to Sugimoto’s seascapes was taken at Dunbar. I tried some longer exposure shots using a neutral density filter however I was more pleased with this image.

In order to recreate the feel of the original image, I first converted to black and white. I darkened the areas in shadow and lowered the contrast. I added a graduated filter to neutralise the sky and a radial filter to brighten the centre of the water. Finally I added a slight dark vignette to mimic the original image.

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