Visual Exercise 1

Task 1


For this task, I used a high aperture of f/22 to create a large depth of field where both the foreground and background appear in focus. I used a focal length of 18mm (18-200mm lens) with a shutter speed of 1/20th of a second. The relatively slow shutter speed captured the blurred movement of a passing car.

Task 2


For this image, I used an aperture of f/1.8 which created a shallow depth of field. The detail on the mushroom in the foreground can be considered whilst the four other mushrooms appear out of focus. I used a ‘fast’ 50mm prime lens with a shutter speed of 1/2000th of a second at ISO 400.


Here is the same subject with an aperture of f/16. There is a larger depth of field and all of the mushrooms appear in focus.

Tasks 3a and 3b


Here I used a slow shutter speed (1/3rd of a second) to capture blurred movement. My aperture was f/16 and the ISO was set to 100. I used a focal length of 29mm (18-200mm lens). The man begging in the image is called Joniel and I asked his permission to photograph him. I wanted to capture how isolated he was from the people passing him by and time was moving more slowly for him.


I captured these passing bikers by using a fast shutter speed of 1/640th of a second at f/7.1. My ISO was set to 400 and I used a focal length of 18mm (18-200mm lens).

Task 4


For this image of St John’s Church, where the light was low, I used an ISO of 1600 to make best use of the available light. It was shot at 1/5 of a second at f/16 using an 18-200mm lens at 18mm.

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